Peculiar Objects, S1E19: The Dog Has Become Autonomous

Having snatched victory from the SQUAMOUS TENDRILS of defeat, Kitt and Oddie find themselves back in Spencer's Folly, where everything is 100% as it seems! For reals! It's the town motto! YOU CAN'T MAKE A LIE YOUR TOWN MOTTO, JUST ASK HARDBROOK, MONTANA, "WHERE GORDON LIGHTFOOT LIVES YEAR-ROUND OF HIS OWN FREE WILL".

WHO is the man calling himself the Marshall, and why is he such a DICK?

WHY WOULDN'T Oddie and Kitt partake of some cherry phosphates, their customary Sunday beverages from the Four Corners Druggist & Sundries?


The answers to some of these and more this week on Peculiar Objects!

Peculiar Objects is run by Thony "A POSSIBLE Murderer" Moore and played by Nigel "A Real Sad Raspberry" Collins and Casey "The Gooening" Hills, who also edits and produces it. Find it and more of our shows on the Semiautomagic Podcast Network at, and follow our twitters @Semiautomagi and @The_PO_Box!

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Peculiar Objects, S1E18: Aim High, Rob Lowe


CAN Oddie teach a small ghost girl how to KICK ASS before it's too late, without so much as the AID OF A TRAINING MONTAGE?

WILL Delia Spencer accept her own death and become a POLTERGEIST FOR JUSTICE, or just some kinda TINY WHINY SHADE?

And HOW can two small children and a dog fend off THE THING FROM THE HEART OF THE PLUTONIC TIMBER long enough for Kitt to complete THE ANCIENT RITE OF PRISENCOLINENSINAINCIUSOL?

Find out IF YOU DARE this week on Peculiar Objects!

Peculiar Objects is run by Thony "Quakesplaining" Moore and played by Nigel "A Treestar In The Wind" Collins and Casey "St. Elmo's Fire Extinguisher" Hills, who also edits and produces it. Find it and more of our shows on the Semiautomagic Podcast Network at, and follow our twitters @Semiautomagi and @The_PO_Box!

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The Final Podblem, S1E33: State of the Podblem Address, Or: Counselor Homie, Help!

WELL WE'RE TFP, AND WE'RE BACK FROM THE DEAD to tell you what's been up with us and also read you An Poime! Also, Nick finally admits the Joker was right, the true source of all bad jokes is discovered and we learn about Casey's shocking ties to a dinosaur nobody's ever friggin' heard of!

The Final Podblem is cohosted by Nicholas Cohen and Casey Hills, who also edits and produces it. Find it and more of our shows on the Semiautomagic Podcast Network at, follow our twitter @TheFinalPodblem, email us at and find our Patreon at, where you can become a patron to support the show, get early episodes and exclusive content!

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